Wednesday, October 20, 2010

These last few weeks have slipped away without me updating the blog. We have kept pretty busy doing school, watching movies, and playing (and playing and playing.) Lucy and Will discovered some old sunglasses, so they spend alot of time looking cool.
Lucy is doing well learning her alphabet. Her English is really coming along. Each day we put stickers on her word tree when she learns the English name and then she repeats all the words to me. I noticed today that she was saying the names without even looking at the pictures, so I guess she has them memorized in order now. That sorta defeats the purpose of the exercise, I think. I may have to rearrange the stickers when she is asleep tonight and see if I can trick her up.


  1. Yea! Pictures!
    She looks SO Happy!!
    You must be doing a great job with school for her to learn so many words in such a short amount of time.
    Talk to you later.

  2. WOW! The kids look great! Espcially, Lucy...she does look so happy! That is awesome the way you are teaching her English words..I bet she has them down!
    Give the kids a great big hug from MeMa, PaPaw & Deborah Sue..we love & miss you so much!

  3. Something looks familiar here...The ladybug dress looks cute on her! That is a great idea for teaching her words! Glad to see your update!

  4. The middle picture with the three kids together is a GREAT picture!! LOVE it!! :)
