Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just trying to adjust.......

We have had a few days of just trying to adjust to one another. It hasn't been exactly smooth sailing, but we hope we are making process. We are all missing home....whether that be Siping or Arkansas and we are so ready to get on a regular schedule.
We still have 9 days to go here in Guangzhou with pretty much nothing to do. We have heard that a typhoon is suppose to hit, but we already have one little typhoon on our hands, so we aren't too concerned about another one!


  1. Ack! 9 more days of nothing?!! Bless your heart!...and heat! How about the international circus in Guangzhou? I've heard that is supposed to be fun for older kiddos? Do you mind if I ask if Lucy came with most all of the things you sent her? I was chatting with Christie and she mentioned that her daughter didn't even see the photo album they sent. I'm about to mail the boys another package but now I'm worried that they aren't even getting anything?! Any thoughts?
