Thursday, September 9, 2010

2 more days!!!

In 2 more days we will (finally) be returning to Siping. I'm sure Lucy thinks that we live at the Holiday Inn. Today we went to the Guangzhou Consulate with about 100 other families and signed another document and took an oath that we are who we said we are. Now we just wait for Lucy's US Visa to be delivered to the hotel and we will be done with this place.
I hate to admit that the highlight of Guangzhou has been the Western fast food....McDonalds, Papa Johns, and Pizza Hut. When you live in Siping, you only have KFC and that gets old quick. There is a restaurant called Lucy's (coincidentally) that claims to be American food and we have been there several times because the atmosphere is nice, but the food is far from great. My enchilada was actually a burrito with cinnamon tasting chicken and no cheese...yuck.
Anyway, enough about food. Lucy is doing pretty well. We met 2 other families today with 6 year old girls and after comparing notes and observing, I see that those guys are in about the same boat as we are. This will be a long process for everyone involved.
Lucy also thinks that she has gotten a year younger since we got her.....the Chinese say that a baby is 1 year old when she is born, so Lucy has been taught that she is 7. Today, I asked our guide to explain to Lucy about the age thing. Lucy was not happy with us. She still insists that she is 7. I guess we will work on that one later.


  1. Sounds like things are getting better?
    I bet you are SO ready to go home. By Tuesday or Wednesday we were done with China. : )
    Can't wait to chat and skype these girls!

  2. I'm glad to hear you were able to connect with other families. We really enjoy seeing the pictures of your adventures in Guangzhou whether they're in the hotel room or out and about. I remember Lucy's well and the fish and chips were exactly what I needed when we got there. Wishing you safe travels back to Siping.

  3. FANTASTIC! The countdown is on again, huh? I love those countdowns! I bet you will have a grand welcome home party by the team that is there when you get to Siping! And I bet all those students who frequent your apartment to see Will & Jude will fall in love with Lucy and make here feel right at home. This blog is wonderful. I'm so glad you are keeping us up to date. Hug the kiddos for Pawpaw! Love you guys!

  4. When she is our age she will be happy to say she is a year younger!!!!
